Stop Motion Animating Part 4 (BSA 124)

Stop Motion Animating Part 4

Finally, we finished dealing with the real life sets, this Tuesday we continued working on the UI section. I took couple of pictures to show our progress:

Chloe is the one whose responsible for Act 2 UI, so she made the timing for this part. I animated the UI this time (moving the hands of the game character, as well as changing all the UI options and attach the clothes). And Megan was in charged mainly in the dragon frame and directing on what the game character should react after I attached the outfit.

Animating the UI is more fun for me, it is easier, but more complicated. If one thing changed, I have to change the whole UI for it. We glue taped the character and the UI options onto the glass, so it won't fall when we animated it. You may see the lighting reflection for those pictures, but actually it didn't show up in our shots. After doing some lighting tests once more, we decided to put another light on the left side (which I haven't be able to take the picture yet) because the space is just too cramped. It is even so hard for me to move, so I think it is better just one person doing the UI, because if not one of us might nudge the camera position (which is really bad).


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