Adjusting Sounds (BSA 127)

Adjusting Sounds

I've pretty much finished with my animation, after adding sound files couple of days ago. But when I exported it to movie, I noticed that some of the sound parts are too exaggerated and it doesn't match with the scene in my animation. So finally I deleted and edited some parts:

1. The part when Iantha screams after she sees the kraken
I decided to delete this part because it seems funny to me. I don't know why but when I looked at it I just laughed and since this scene is happening inside Brianna's drawing, I don't want to make the sound too obvious. I want a deep emotional kind of feeling, so I don't think the scream part here matches.

2. Brianna's screaming
There three parts when Brianna screams, the first one is during the first time she sees the kraken, the second one starts when she is inside her own drawing, and the last one is when she is deeply desperate and knock the wacom screen as hard as she can while screaming loudly. All of those screams are very monotonous. So in order to make it more natural, I deleted the second part and change the first one. I changed the first one with another sound file that I got from internet (royalty free) and keep the third one.

3. When Brianna knocks the glass
In this particular part, I only did the knock sfx until the screen turns black then I stopped. But I realised it was a little bit weird after I watched my animation once again. It seemed like something is missing after the screen turns black. So I copied and paste the knock sfx again until my credit turns out. And it actually turns a lot better.

4. Opening the curtain
When Brianna opens her curtain, I noticed that the timing of the sound sfx doesn't match my scene, so I adjusted it a bit.

Some of new things that I learned while editing sound files:

I'm able to edit the sound after the waveform turns blue like that. I also can adjust the volume and when everything is ok then I click apply/next then close.

I can also add key frames onto the waveform. For example I want a very low volume at the ending part and the rests are in high, so I can add key frames at the end and drag it down. This is pretty interesting. The way of using it is almost similar as ToonBoom Storyboard Pro.


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