Stop Motion Animating Part 3 (BSA 124)

Stop Motion Animating Part 3

Over the weekend, me and Megan were working on the real life sets once more, since we have to return the camera, tripod, and swit on Monday, so we have to finish everything last Sunday. This time, the whole process was getting quicker and quicker because we had done several trials and errors, so we are being able to do it better this time.

As usual, I'm in charge of dragon framing, but I also animated Zack on Zack's part (the beginning lip syncing) and Lulu's lip syncing (last part). But, for the scene when he is swinging his hands towards Lulu, Megan did that part (Zack's last part).

I think the animation is pretty smooth, especially Zack's part, his expression flows so natural. It only took us around 2 1/2 to 3 hours to finish this entire scene, once we finished all the UI part, we are going to edit it in Adobe After Effects.
My hand was accidentally taken when I was animating Lulu, but we can edit it later.


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