Fixing fps Part 2 (BSA 127)

Fixing fps Part 2

I finally finished extending all the frames and I managed to do some camera angles as well. Today, I will show some of the pictures about my animation between before and after 25 fps, the difference between the speed. And also what I have done so far in this week on my next post.



(Before, frame by frame for the palm tree scene)

(After. frame by frame for the palm tree scene extended version)

Fixing the fps is not as hard as I imagined, just a lot more work to do. And I have to really careful as well, so that I dont extend the wrong frame on the wrong layer. I'll try to get all the camera angles done by Monday, and several sound files on Tuesday. These are the scene that I managed to get the camera angles done already, you can see the difference between 8fps and 25fps:

(8 fps)



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