Fixing fps (BSA 127)

Fixing fps 

Just adding one more sound file (the banging sound effects when Brianna is trapped inside the screen) then I'm finished haha. But, I just realised that I shouldn't change my fps to 8... it has to be 25. So, I have to extend the frames to three times its length and redo all the key frames as well as the sound files.

Yesterday, I have extended around 1/3 of my animation, so I might be able to fix all of it at the end of this week, then on next Monday and Tuesday I can do the key frames once more. This is some of the examples between my animation before and after 25fps:

Extending the frames which are grouped already is easy, but for the scene that requires frame by frame... it took me ages to extend them. Since most of them are connected with another layer, so I need to pay a lot of details and concentration while I'm doing it so I can do the right thing.


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