Editing in Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro (BSA 124)

Editing in Adobe After Effects and Premiere Pro

We finally finished our shooting! So this week it is the time to work on our post production process. There are two software which we are using: Adobe After Effects and Adobe Premiere Pro. Since this is my first time as well using these, so Megan did some overview about the programs to Chloe and me, and pretty much we were still trying to get a hold of it. Yesterday I watched how Megan did all the rough cuts so I decided to edit the looping for the UI.

So I rendered the video game UI yesterday in After Effects and opened it in Premiere pro with the file set as TARGA. Out tutor also gave us a guide in operating these two programs, so I'm able to do it more or less. Today, I started to edit all the UI looping scenes because we only shot the first part and decided to edit and finish it later. For example: There is a scene when the video game character is lifting up his head up and down, we only shot his up scene, while the down scene I have to edit it later. It was pretty confusing at first, but I did some tutorials at youtube, and actually I found out how to reverse the speed duration which is pretty easy by right clicking the footage and choose the speed/duration option and a small box will appear. So these are some pictures that I took:

(The reverse speed)
Image result for reverse option in premiere pro
 (Tutorial I got from youtube :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swK99yoCSX4)

(One of the shots)


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