Creating Brick Textures (BSA 127)

Creating Brick Textures

There are still around 3 weeks for me to finish my animation, so I decided to give more details in several part in my animation. Today, I decide to add brick textures on the castle wall. Since it is a ruined castle (which looks like the one built in the 17th 18th century), the main colour is pale gray and I use darker gray for the textures. There are not too much ornaments because I want to focus on the character rather than the buildings.

These are the castles which are built around 17th 18th centuries:
 (The brick texture is clearly shown)
 (Colour is dominated by gray or pale brown)

After seeing those, I drew "my own style" brick texture. I don't want it too detail, I make it simple instead. Only in one particular part (the bridge and the balcony) the distance between one brick and another is intentionally made adjacent so that it gives more organised outer appearance. These are some shots of my work:


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