Brianna is Being Dragged In! Part 1 (BSA 127)

Brianna is Being Dragged In! Part 1

There are two parts when Brianna is being dragged in into her drawing world which becomes alive. The first part (which I'm going to show today) is when she starts to continue her drawing and suddenly the kraken grabs her hand from the screen. I think this part is really interesting! Before I show my animation for this part, these are some of the pictures from the first time I did my storyboard:

There are only two pictures for this scene at first and I realised that it is not enough at all, so for my animatic part I tried to enhance more movement, especially right on Brianna's part. So I added one small part, which is when Brianna lifts her hand a little bit:

So, if I combine it looks like this:

For the animation part, I drew frame by frame when the tentacles are striking for her left hand. And I also animated Brianna's hair if you notice. This is my animation for the first part she is being dragged in:

After I export this to gif, I noticed that Iantha hair's colour changed, I will fix it right away after I post this blog. Anyway, I tried to make the movement as smooth as possible, there are a total of 14 frames for less then 2 seconds scene. I'm quite happy with the result, especially the part when the tentacles start to coil around her hand. Balancing the time between her left and right hand (when being lifted up together) is not easy. At first I lifted both of her hands together and it turned to look weird and funny. So while she is lifting up her left hand, I made her right hand looks like she is touching the wacom screen, and afterwards whe starts to scream. I think it is better this way, since it looks more natural.

On the next post, I will post once again about the landscape development, as I had fixed the birds part. Check it out! 


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