Working on Animatic (BSA 127)


Hi guys! Do you guys feel that time is just getting faster and faster? After submitting my proposal for my animation project, now I'm currently working on the animatic. As you know, animatic is another one step closer to the final animation. I've been adding and editing several frames in betweens on my storyboard which I've done it in ToonBoom Harmony. Oh, this time the animatic will be done in Harmony as well, since all the files are there. 

One thing that I really regret when I'm making my storyboard is I didn't divide my drawings on layers... So right now it's taking me a lootttttttttt of time to edit just one frame. But, this is an important lesson, I have to remember this in the future :) 

I also learnt how to make my drawings look transparent in ToonBoom and the more important thing is to change the camera angle by zooming in and out, thanks to our tutor :) Coz I'm not familiar making animatic with harmony as in Storyboard Pro.

I'll pop out some pictures of my work progressions when its finished, or probably when its nearly finished, because right now its kinda messy. To develop my knowledge more in harmony, I've been watching several tutorials which I got from youtube which is VERY HELPFUL! Even though sometimes there are some points that I don't understand.

These are the links if you guys are interested in watching as well:



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