Animatic for Stop Motion (BSA 124)

Animatic for Stop Motion

A week has passed, seems so fast isn't it? This week me and my group mates are totally working in the animatic for stop motion. We sorted it out already as we had done the roughs one. I'm in charge for the Act 3 animatic, which is the combination both of the real life and video game UI animation. I also learnt how to operate Zoom (recording tool) which we will use it later for dialogues recording and sound effect, I might make the background theme for the stop motion, but not really sure yet.

This is my Act 3 rough animatic which I made it in Toon Boom storyboard pro. So the first 4 panels are the arguments between Zack and Lulu, while the rest are their outfit choices in the UI. I'll clean it up later for better performance.

Hope u guys like it :) Have a great day, GBU!


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