Stop Motion Group Development Work (BSA 124)

Group Development Work 

After discussing the presentation of what we all gonna do for the stop motion project last Friday, my group did the presentation today during class. Every one of us has our own work, I'm responsible for designing the video game User Interface and the basic character for the video game, Chloe makes the little sister concept art, Megan designs the older brother with edgy style, and both of them also work together on how the game character gonna look like at the final. All of us have decided that the final character design will be the combination between princess and edgy style which I'll pop out the picture for you guys to see at the end.

It is quite interesting actually, even though this is not my first time working in a group, but language and culture differences sure have a big effect :) I'm still trying to get a hold of it and do my best!!! I'm really excited about this, not a big fan of game truthfully, but after drawing and searching for references about video games, kinda cool!

Specifically for the game UI, I wanna make it not too complicated but has enough details, especially in the background design. The background design is inspired by Little Big Planet art style which is recommended by Chloe (thanks Chloe!) and the UI itself I got it from The Sims (the tiny little circles for clothes and accessories options). Just finished the sketches couple of hours ago and I will upload it later on as well. The characters and game UI will have more cartoony like rather than the realistic one. For the main characters in our stop motion which are the older brother and little sister, we are planning to make it out of clay, while the others are going to be made of card boards and collage. It might change later on as we still have a lot of things to do before making the 3d characters. I'm still not sure about my sculpturing skill haha, hopefully it turns out well. We are going to make probably two or three layers for the video game UI in order to make it more realistic and unique using glass. But, we'll discuss that one again later on. Right now we are focusing on finishing the characters first and continue to make the script writing.

I have finished designing and colouring the basic game video character, which is a guy who has big arms and legs. I made two versions of it so that later on when the character is going to hold a weapon, it is ready! (Sorry if its a little bit confusing).

This is my basic game video character. As you can see, there are two poses (relax one and the other one is the character when he/she gonna hold a weapon). I made it bold so that later on when we want to change the hair styles, it will be a lot easier.

Basic sketch for the video game UI. At the right bottom side is the general outlook and visualisation on what the props are gonna look like to decrease the confusion within it.

Finally, this is what our game character is going to look like at the end. Has spikes and more of them. (Credits to Megan and Chloe :))

This is the end of my blog today, hope you have a great day! God Bless You


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